Saturday, August 21, 2010

Workin Out, Feeling Good!

So I've been making arrangements to go to the gym & have been eating well & things are going great. I weighed myself on Sunday (210.5 lbs) & today (208.6 lbs) so at least I'm lower than what I was when I last weighed myself at the end of May.  So the semi-hiatus is officially OVER!

I've been reading a lot of weight loss stories with before & after pictures for inspiration (Women's Health has some great ones)  but the one that has inspired me the most is Michele Lund

Here's her before pic:

 Here's a couple after pics:


Isn't that FANTASTIC?!! So if you get the chance, head on over to her blog to read about this amazing journey.

Another pic that I'm using for inspiration is one of my sister, from when she was in Mexico.

I would totally love to look like this! So hopefully... if I keep working at it... one day I'll get there!

This just in... Sunday morning weigh in... 207.2 lbs! That's 5.8 lbs since last Friday :)


  1. Awesome Kell! Glad to see you punched that scale in the face!
    Can you talk about what sort of diet you're doing... Like I mean what kinds of food you're eating. Are you trying to restrict calories? Are you focusing on protein or low sugar or something?
    And what kinds of work out schedule are you on? Do you alternate days?
    You're so inspirational! Some day people are going to be posting pics of you on their blogs for motivation!

  2. Woo Hoo!!! You're doing so good. Yeah give us more details on the how and what to's that you're doing. Love Michelle's before and after...totally inspiring!


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